Jean, This is a Chinese action/adventure movie starring Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, Pedro Pascal and Tian Jing.The story revolves around two westerners entering China in search of gunpowder. In their quest ,they run into a long running battle between the resident Chinese armies and a immense group of marauding reptiles . Their primary defense against these reptiles is the Great Wall. (In the introduction, this story is identified as a Chinese legend.) The actors give us each a believable performance, but the highlight of the film is the battle scenes featuring waves of the attacking reptiles. It reminds me of scenes from the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" but with touches of Busby Berkeley. The movie has marshaled the clashes of these overwhelming forces into amazing and powerful action vistas. You get your money's worth at only 104 minutes. Dad
The previews are:
Power Rangers
Lost City of Z
The Mummy