Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Jean, I saw Dumbo this morning at Cinema I and must admit I teared up at least three times. This is not a juvenile fantasy movie to me. I think you buy into that cute yet soulful baby elephant right away.  Tim Burton works with such a believable little hero and gets hm flying early on. You do not wait until the end of the movie. Along the way you have a strong cast such as Danny DeVito, Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton and Eva Green. The plot makes a strong statement about a human failing that many people share. But the film has some very powerful scenes that can bring you near to tears and cause some very apprehensive moments as you fear for the safety of the little hero and the people on the side of good. I would not be surprised if this is a very successful film.  Dad

The previews were:

Angry Birds Movie 2
Dora and the City of Gold
Toy Story 4

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok

Jean, This is a big movie. It has a big cast, world class visual effects,  a worthy story line, with great humor throughout and even two post credits short scenes. Chris Hemsworth is more than an imposing action hero but also has a great comic light touch. Cate Blanchett literally jumps off the screen as the queen of evil. The movie starts off with the hero in a cage and bound with chains and yet performs better than Harry Houdini. And it ends in a climax that the entire cast is pushed to their limits. This film is 135 minutes.  Dad

P.S. The 7 previews are:

12 Strong
Maze Runner: the Death Cure
Den of Thieves
Black Panther
Just Getting Started
Star Wars: the Last Jedi

Murder On The Orient Express

Jean, This is a big, very good looking and very entertaining version of the Agatha Christie story. From the streets of Jerusalem to Istanbul and onto the Orient Express train for Paris this is a beautiful looking movie. Then we have a loaded cast performing inside the train and outside when the train runs into a snow blocked mountain pass. There is also action and gun play, not usually seen in a Christie story. What is a source of distraction is the mustache of Hercule Poirot which is something to see. A big movie version of a famous British detective story that keeps you involved to the big Kenneth Branagh theatrical solution.  Dad

P.S. The previews are:

Mollie's Game
Isle of Dogs
The Leisure Seeker
Darkest Hour
Murder On The Orient Express

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Jean, This is a big, great looking, horror/supernatural movie. It has an actual  Spielberg feel to the whole production. There are some of the best scary basements, old houses, large sewer drainage pipes and open doors at the end of the hall you will ever see. The young cast is just about perfect in every way. The lead character , a  scary clown played by Bill Skarsgard is just superb in his use of humor and threat and sarcasm. He comes out as a real, fully formed character. I would put this up there as nudging "The Shining". (There are a week of nightmares in this movie, for sure.) Dad

P.S. The previews are:

Thank You for Your Service
Justice League
Blade Runner 2049

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Spiderman - Homecoming

Jean, This is a new and fresh Spiderman. It starts with Tom Holland as the very young Spiderman. He is in high school and he looks and acts like it. (This has almost a John Hughes feel to many parts of this movie.) Then add Michael Keaton and Robert Downey Jr. and you have a great combination. Just listen to the dialogue between Spiderman and Downey Jr. it is so fast and clever and very ,very funny. Like he comes back so fast with such comments as "that has a very Springsteeny  feel to it." They list six writers for the movie and the results show it.

The action scenes are top-notch and so imaginative. So much fun. Both Ironman and Captain America show up but the entire movie is so lighthearted and almost buoyant.  I see it as one of the best of he Spiderman movies. Dad

The previews are:

Pitch Perfect 3
Kinsman:The Golden Circle
Daddy Home 2
The Dark Tower
Justice League

The Beguiled

Jean, I think this was one of the best films I have seen in a long time. It has the setting and costumes and acting by the entire cast and a well directed story line. From beginning to end, it has a consistent excellent handling of the material. (Some reviewers thought it was limited by being, maybe, from the women character's view , with stylist touches and not embracing the true violence of the story. I did not see any of that .) The main characters of Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell and Kirsten Dunst all give very believable performances. In only 93 minutes, I think you get a great bit of arresting story-telling by Sofia Coppola. There are periods where I do not think I moved a muscle so absorbed was I. Dad

P.S. The Previews are:

A Ghost Story
The Glass Castle
Atomic Blonde

Baby Driver

Jean, This has to be on of the most entertaining and over the top heist and crazy get -a -way movies ever made. They do things with cars that are beyond understanding.  On top of that is the soundtrack which is a star in this movie. (The driver listens to his music on his iPod as he drives away from the bank robberies ) There some stars in this one especially Kevin Spacey at his most mean. The lead  is played by Ansel Elgort who is perfect for the young driver.  Dad

P,S. The previews are:

Home Again
Kinsman:The Golden Circle
Pitch Perfect 3
The Dark Tower