Wednesday, January 8, 2014

American Hustle

Jean, This a comedy but not with a lot of laughs. It is more filled with smiles, lots of smiles. It is the story based on a real life FBI sting of the late 1970's. I saw it as "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" meets "Goodfellas". Even Robert De Niro has a cameo role, which is one of many cameos (He plays Victor Tellegio from Miami.) The five main cast members do just excellent jobs. I think Jennifer Lawernce  completely disappears into her role. I do not think there is anything she can not do. The cons start stacking on other cons that is gets quite hard to follow, but I do not think that gets in the way of enjoying a very entertaining film.  Dad

P.S. The Previews are:

The Monuments Men
August:Osage County
In Secret

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