Saturday, February 1, 2014

I, Frankenstein

Jean, This is a visual effects extravaganza of a comic book movie. It takes Frankenstein from his creation in some European snowy castle in 1793 to the present time, 200 years later. Frankenstein is played by Aaron Eckhart  who must have gone on a big diet and weightlifting program to look like he does without his shirt. (He is zero body fat.) In the modern time, he comes into the midst of a war going on between the good flying gargoyles of Queen Leonore and the bad demons of the devil Prince Naberius played by Bill Nighy in a Saville Row very tailored medium blue suit. After a chase to capture the notes of the original Dr. Frankenstein in the form of a book, you come to a epic final battle scene between the two forces that is really something to see. Is this the beginning of another franchise movie character? I wonder about that as the movie is more a run of the mill visual effects action film without much new to recommend it. Dad

P.S. Remember the creaky machinery they had in Young Frankenstein to get the monster to come alive? In this movie you have to multiply that rickety lash up by 1000 to get the contraptions they have for the viewers here.

P.P.S. The Previews were:

The Quiet One
Cesar Chavez

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