Friday, April 4, 2014

Captain America 2 - The Winter Soldier

 Jean, This was a big time action/adventure movie with a brain. It was an intelligent approach to a current event issue with great visual effects. Chris Evans really seemed so relaxed and comfortable in his role this time. He and Scarlett were a good team when on screen together. I did not realize what a large role Robert Redford would play in not only a speaking role but also some action as well. There were a number of surprises and it reminded me in part of "Three Days of the Condor" with the changing of sides within the intelligence bureaus. The final climax was not a blast of explosions but the continuation of a continuing  plot while the horrendous air battle over Washington was played out. The battle itself as well as the carnage and destruction of the falling space ships into the high-rise office billings is something to see.  I enjoyed this film very much.  Dad

P.S. The previews were:

The Expendables III
The Amazing Spiderman 2
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Guardians of the Galaxy

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