Sunday, September 18, 2016


Jean, This is the Clint Eastwood no-nonsense almost documentary telling of the "Miracle on the Hudson". That passenger jet water landing of January 2009. But it is more than that as through flash-backs and even dream sequences we relive not only the plane landing into the Hudson but the pilot's second guessing even himself. It stars Tom Hanks as Sully, Aaron Eckhart as his co-pilot Jeff  Skiles and Laura Linney as his wife. All the actors especially Hanks do an excellent job. The scenes of the actual landing into the freezing January waters are just stunning. The NTSB investigators come into the picture as something like the villains.  The film seems to waste nothing at 96 minutes.  Dad

P.S. The previews were:

American Pastoral
Rules Don't Apply
Manchester By The Sea

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