Friday, May 24, 2013


Jean, This is a surprisingly good family action-adventure film. It is based on the real story of Thor Heyerdahl and his balsa wood raft trip  of 5,000 miles from the coast of Peru to the Polynesian Islands in 1947. it was to prove his theory on the settling of Polynesia from the east rather than from the west. It has more action than I expected, with the arrival of the whale shark, the adventure with the shark school and the wild shark on deck and the phosphorescent fish at night. Some of the scenes reminded me of "Live of Pi" with their whaleboat in the vast sea. It is such a good looking film. The after lives of all the crew members is also interesting as well as their real life experiences during WWII.  Dad
The previews were:
Populaire (French Film)
Kings of Summer
Much Ado About Nothing
Unfinished Song

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