Friday, May 17, 2013

Star Trek - Into Darkness

Jean, This is one of the best action, sci-fi movies you can expect to see. Space never looked better on the big screen. And the USS Enterprise never looked faster, more technically advanced and can that spaceship take the blows that are sent her way. The destruction scenes are a marvel as well as the images of cities of the future. And the scenes of   fighting  or jumping on the edge of great heights were almost too much.( I felt uncomfortable looking over those cliff edges.)
The cast members also took a lot of blows, as their punches sounded like Mike Tyson was throwing them. I did not see any "fall off" from the first one these done in 2009.  J.J. Abrams really did bring back this film series in a big way. The villain was a very formidable character, almost too smart for the rest of the cast. My theater was nearly full for a Friday matinee and there was applause at the ending and they reacted every time the Enterprise went off at hyperspeed or warp speed or whatever that was.  Dad
P.S. There is humor too. Our audience laughed out loud at what happens after Office Uhura says to Spock "Don't hit him, we need him to save Captain Kirk." Also walking out I heard this said by a couple of the audience "Who's the Blonde?"
P.P.S. The previews were:
Anchorman, The Legend Continues.
Despicable Me 3
Much Ado About Nothing
World War Z

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