Wednesday, July 3, 2013

White House Down

(Reviewed June 28, 2013)

Jean, This movie actually is quite a bit of fun for the summertime. Roland Emmerich has pulled out all the stops on this one. He has enough catastrophe situations for 4 movies here. I mean Air Force One in jeopardy, Norad and the firing off of all the country's missiles (think War Games), flights of Raptor jets and flights of Apache Helicopters. On top of that you practically go through the succession to replace the President of the U.S. Everyone seems to have machine guns, bazookas, ground to air missiles and they leave the White House in a complete shambles. But the actors do not take themselves seriously and there is added humor. "Do not step on my Jordans" , "That was a priceless 1600 Ming vase you just broke" and so many times they refer to the secret tunnel under the White House that JFK and Marilyn used.  I lost count how many times Jamie Foxx gets shot or injured fatally and gets back up. The final question of who gave out the secret codes seems awfully "tacked on" to me. Forget saying "how can that happen" and enjoy the movie.  Dad
The previews were:
Jobs (Steve)
2 Guns
The World End

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