Wednesday, July 3, 2013

World War Z

(Reviewed June 21, 2013)

Jean, I found this a  suspenseful and entertaining movie. I did not  expect that after the articles (think Vanity Fair) about changing the writers and  changing the ending and trying to settle on the "tone" of the film. The movie comes down closer to "Contagion" than "Dawn of the Dead". Also you will see an awful lot of similarities to the 2005 film of Spielberg/Cruise entitled "War of the World". Brad Pitt is just great in all his scenes and there are really no other actors of note in the film. Brad seems to know where to look  for clues at pivotal times in the movie.  The book, World War Z  on which the movie is  based by Mel Brook's son, Max Brooks   is a smart, thinking  man's book. The film has a talent for showing a world in chaos with aerial shots of many different cities across the globe, without a boring repetitive killing of the zombie hordes.. Some of the questions it answers are "what happens when you find a Zeke (zombie) in the bathroom on your airliner?" or" how do you save your friend when she is savagely  bitten on the hand  by a blood-crazed zombie?". Dad
P.S. The previews were:
Anchorman: The Legend Continues
The Conjuring
You're Next
Insidious 2
The Wolverine

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