Monday, March 18, 2013


Jean, I had expected to see a psychological thriller of a movie with some good actors. What I saw was a quite stylized psychological thriller with an excellent cast and a turn into a rapidly rising body count using many different ways of killing. They included being buried alive, grass sheers in the neck, the crushing of the neck with bone cracking in HD and on. And there is a lot of blood flowing in this seemingly quiet house in the South. The blood flows on the hard wood floors, spurts on the lace curtains and lovely bedcovers, etc. The three leads are all good, such as Wiaskoska, Goode and Nicole Kidman. This is a taut thriller with a surprising amount of bloody, murderous action right up to the very  last scene.  Dad

Nicole Kidman in "Stoker"
The previews were:

The Company you keep
Frances Ha

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