Jean, This movie was so much more interesting than I had expected.I
thought it kept your interest rather than being played for your tears.
It is the story of an Irish lady who searches for her son 50 year after
the Sisters had convinced her to put him up for adoption. It is based on
true events with actual people. The main characters are Dame Judy Dench
and Steve Coogan, and they are great playing off each other. The story
allows them to argue the pros and cons of belief in a greater being,
and the position of the Church. What makes this movie in my mind is the
twist or surprise they find at the end of their search which takes them
from London to Ireland to the United States. The movie is beautifully
produced so you feel you are viewing actual locations and even actual
people. At the end, they show you the photos of the main characters
taken in real life.
The previews were:
August: Osage County
Heaven is for Real
Saving Mr. Banks