Friday, May 1, 2015

Avengers - Age of Ultron

Jean, I saw it. The theater was  more than half full in the 2D showing  at Cinema I at 3:30. They clapped at the end of the film. You got a great credit at the end. Good for you. I did not realize it would have so much story. Also was impressed with the religious references and the history references.  I wonder where was the location of the "so-called safe house in the country" in real life. And where was the village that was used for a model somewhere in Hungary or someplace. Great visual effects and such things as the destruction of the skyscrapers in the battle between Hulk and ... Also the computer calculating scenes were great. They were so much better than 2001 movie in expressing the calculating going on. That was a very good villain in Ultron. That was really sold so well and he stood up against the Avengers in such a believeable manner. He was more than competitive  for them.  Dad

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