Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road (3D)

Jean, This is almost a non-stop chase movie across a desert terrain, with the bad guys chasing the good guys, of course. What is amazing is all the variations on this theme that George Miller has come up with. You think you have seen everything but he comes up with spectacular new ideas. There is a feminist theme here of saving the girls from a very bad chieftain but it soon gives way to everything is about the chase. Also you are in a very grim landscape. You know that when the opening sequence has a lone figure looking out on a desert and a Gecko appears. The figure steps on the Gecko and ...then eats it.
The hero (Tom Hardy) is all business as is the heroine (Charlize Theron). Do not expect any romance or even much dialogue. Hardy does not tell us his name (Max) until near the end of the movie. For a unbelievable frantic  and fast chase, then hold on to your seat as this is one  goes almost from start to finish. Dad

P.S. The previews are:

Crimson Peak
The Walk
Ant Man
Terminator: Genesys
San Andres

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