Friday, May 1, 2015

Ex Machina

Jean, This is one of the slickest, and smartest science fiction movie you will see in a long time. With only 4 characters and two of them being "robots" you have all you can handle when it comes to twists in a movie. It starts out with the subject of artificial intelligence and applying the "Turing Test" to the behavior of "state of the art robots." There are echoes of "Blade Runner" here but it goes beyond the ground covered in that movie. I found it quite engrossing as the pace picks up in the movie leading to a not to be guessed conclusion. At least I did not guess that last scene or two. Many outdoor scenes shot in Norway.   Dad

The Previews were:

The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Terminator: Genisys
Mad Max: Fury Road
Sceptre 007

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