Friday, May 1, 2015

Danny Collins

Jean, This is supposed to be a comedy starring Al Pacino. There is some gentle humor in the movie but it also has some serious subjects such as a child with ADD and a leukemia patient. Al Pacino is fine, more subdued than you would expect but also quite charming. He is an aging singing star, who Pacino compares to Bruce Springsteen. I think his is closer to Barry Manilow. All the other cast are fine as well, such as Chris Plummer, Bobby Cannavale, Jennifer Garner. But the one to watch from the time she comes out to the hotel check-in counter as the hotel manager is Annette Bening. You see right away Al Pacino has met his acting match and then some. She is just terrific in that role. All his sweet talk and charm are not going to carry the day, here. You will find the movie well written with some real sharp dialogue. And the ending scene is one you will enjoy as it is so cleverly set up and then ....   Dad

P.S. The previews were:

Desert Dancer
While we're Young
Love and Mercy
I'll see you in my Dreams

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